项 伟*







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        一九八七年底赴德国卡尔斯鲁厄大学应用地质研究所进修与合作科研,主要研究工作为环境地质工程问题:斜坡变形与破坏,垃圾填埋场选址,污染场地勘察与治理(德国科学研究部和欧洲共同体的研究项目)等。从一九九O年至一九九六年攻读博士学位,主要研究工作为阿尔卑斯山区的大型滑坡和泥石流(德国科协研究基金项目)。博士论文题为:阳离子交换对粘土土力学性质和流变性质的影响 - 以东阿尔卑斯山一大型滑坡为例。一九九七年一月通过博士论文答辨获德国自然科学博士学位。
       在攻读博士学位的同时,从一九九二年起在德国地质工程顾问公司兼职,主要从事研究和发展工作:膨润土泥浆流变特性研究,物探在非开挖铺设管道技术中的应用。从一九九七年至二0 0三年在多涅博士地质顾问公司任研发部主任,主管岩土工程,工程地质和地球物理勘探的研究和发展工作:斜坡流变变形与破坏的长期监测与预报,采用综合物探的高精度地基勘察,核废料库选址(德国瑞士日本合作科研项目)等。另在德国卡尔斯鲁厄大学应用地质研究所担任客座教授,开设专题讲座:滑坡的预测和预报,应用粘土和粘土矿物学以及岩土工程测试等,在该大学曾指导过五个硕士论文并协助CZURDA教授指导两个博士论文。至今在国内外期刊杂志和会议上共发表文章三十余篇,写作专著一部,与他人合写专著一部,其中十余篇收入三大检索系统。

(1)W.Xiang:The effect of clay fraction on the shear strength of argillaceous intercalations in rockmass.Journal of University Lanzhou, 1984, 20 (3): 121-125.
(2)W.Xiang:The study of microstructures of weak intercalati?ons and their mechanical significance. Earth Science, 1985, 10(1):165-169.
(3)W.Xiang:The effect of the initial stress on the antislip stability of rockmass under a dam foundation. Earth Science, 1987, 12 (1): 67-74.
(4)W.Xiang:Process of contaminant transport in fractured media and their mathematical description in remedial action of contaminated groundwater - Proceedings 6th International Congress IAEG, 1990, pp. 1501-1506, Balkema Publishers, Rotterdam.(ISTP)
(5)W.Xiang:Stability of rock mass under a dam foundation under consideration of the high horizontal stress in rock. Proceedings 7th International Congress on Rock Mechanics,1991, pp.1779-1782 Balkema Publishers, Rotterdam.(ISTP)
(6)Z.Y.Wang,H.Larsen,W.Xiang:Rheological properties of sediment suspensions and their implications. Pp. 495-516, Journal of Hydraulic Research, 1994,32(4):495-516.(SCI)
(7)W.Xiang:Der Einfluss der Kationenbelegung auf die bodenmechanischen und rheologischen Eigenschaften von Tonen am Beispiel einer ostalpinen Grosshangbewegung.Schriftenreihe AGK, No. 48, 1997,p.190,Karlsruhe.
(8)W.Xiang:The effect of cation exchange of clay minerals on the physical and soil mechanical behaviour of the sliding masses. Engineering Geology and Sustainable Developmemt, 1999, p.389-398, Earthquake-Publishers, Beijing.
(9) Ch.Donie,W.Xiang:Hochaufl?sende ingenieurgeologische Untersuchungen an einer Tunneltrasse in Berlin.Tagungsband 13. Nationale Tagung für Ingenieurgeologie, 2001, Karlsruhe.
(10)W.Xiang: Landfill in China: Stand and Countermeasures. New Advances on Contaminated Sites and Waste Disposal, Pp. 23-30,2004, ICP-Verlag, Karlsruhe.(SCI)
(11) K.A.Czurda,H.Hoetzl,W.Xiang:New Advances on Contaminated Sites and Waste Disposal, 2004, p.206, ICP - Verlag, Karlsruhe.
(12)D.Kallen, W.Xiang,J.Rohn: Landslides at Qingjiang River in the Downstream Area of Shuibuya Dam Site, China, Journal of China University of Geosciences, 2006, 17(2):158-162. (SCI)

(13)严绍军,唐辉明,项伟. 降雨对滑坡稳定性影响过程分析. 水文地质工程地质, 2007(2):33-36.
(14)崔德山﹑项伟﹑董建军﹑陈琼离子土壤固化剂加固红粘土的试验研究, 2007. 长江科学院院报, 24(3): 42-45.
(15)项伟,崔德山,刘莉.离子土固化剂加固滑坡滑带土的试验研究, 2007. 地球科学-中国地质大学学报, 32(3): 397-402.(EI)
(16)严绍军,项伟,唐辉明等. 大岩淌滑坡滑带土蠕变性质研究. 岩土力学, 2008.1,29(1): 58~62. (EI)
(17)Yan Shaojun, Tang Huiming, Xiang Wei. Underground drainage and rainfall influence on the stability of a landslide. The First International Conference on the Geological Engineering 2007 Wuhan, 2008,Springer,New York. (EI, ISTP)
(18)Yan Shaojun, Xiang Wei. Shallow Landslides Survey and Rainfall Induction Mechanism Study in Xiang Xi River Basin of  Three Gorges Reservoir. EGU, 2008,Vienna. (ISTP)
(19)W. Xiang, D.S. Cui,W. F. Zhang and L. J. Cao:Experimental Study on Ionic Soil Stabilizer Reducing Adsorbed Water of Clay. The First International Conference on the Geological Engineering 2007 Wuhan, 2008,Springer,New York. (EI, ISTP)

(1)W.Xiang:The effect of clay fraction on the shear strength of argillaceous intercalations in rockmass.Journal of University Lanzhou, 1984, 20 (3): 121-125.
(2)W.Xiang:The study of microstructures of weak intercalati?ons and their mechanical significance. Earth Science, 1985, 10(1):165-169.
(3)W.Xiang:The effect of the initial stress on the antislip stability of rockmass under a dam foundation. Earth Science, 1987, 12 (1): 67-74.
(4)W.Xiang:Process of contaminant transport in fractured media and their mathematical description in remedial action of contaminated groundwater - Proceedings 6th International Congress IAEG, 1990, pp. 1501-1506, Balkema Publishers, Rotterdam.(ISTP)
(5)W.Xiang:Stability of rock mass under a dam foundation under consideration of the high horizontal stress in rock. Proceedings 7th International Congress on Rock Mechanics,1991, pp.1779-1782 Balkema Publishers, Rotterdam.(ISTP)
(6)Z.Y.Wang,H.Larsen,W.Xiang:Rheological properties of sediment suspensions and their implications. Pp. 495-516, Journal of Hydraulic Research, 1994,32(4):495-516.(SCI)
(7)W.Xiang:Der Einfluss der Kationenbelegung auf die bodenmechanischen und rheologischen Eigenschaften von Tonen am Beispiel einer ostalpinen Grosshangbewegung.Schriftenreihe AGK, No. 48, 1997,p.190,Karlsruhe.
(8)W.Xiang:The effect of cation exchange of clay minerals on the physical and soil mechanical behaviour of the sliding masses. Engineering Geology and Sustainable Developmemt, 1999, p.389-398, Earthquake-Publishers, Beijing.
(9)Ch.Donie,W.Xiang:Hochaufl?sende ingenieurgeologische Untersuchungen an einer Tunneltrasse in Berlin.Tagungsband 13. Nationale Tagung für Ingenieurgeologie, 2001, Karlsruhe.
(10)W.Xiang: Landfill in China: Stand and Countermeasures. New Advances on Contaminated Sites and Waste Disposal, Pp. 23-30,2004, ICP-Verlag, Karlsruhe.(SCI)
(11) K.A.Czurda,H.Hoetzl,W.Xiang:New Advances on Contaminated Sites and Waste Disposal, 2004, p.206, ICP - Verlag, Karlsruhe.
(12)D.Kallen, W.Xiang,J.Rohn: Landslides at Qingjiang River in the Downstream Area of Shuibuya Dam Site, China, Journal of China University of Geosciences, 2006, 17(2):158-162. (SCI)

(13)严绍军,唐辉明,项伟. 降雨对滑坡稳定性影响过程分析. 水文地质工程地质, 2007(2):33-36.
(14)崔德山﹑项伟﹑董建军﹑陈琼离子土壤固化剂加固红粘土的试验研究, 2007. 长江科学院院报, 24(3): 42-45.
(15)项伟,崔德山,刘莉.离子土固化剂加固滑坡滑带土的试验研究, 2007. 地球科学-中国地质大学学报, 32(3): 397-402.(EI)
(16)严绍军,项伟,唐辉明等. 大岩淌滑坡滑带土蠕变性质研究. 岩土力学, 2008.1,29(1): 58~62. (EI)
(17)Yan Shaojun, Tang Huiming, Xiang Wei. Underground drainage and rainfall influence on the stability of a landslide. The First International Conference on the Geological Engineering 2007 Wuhan, 2008,Springer,New York. (EI, ISTP)
(18)Yan Shaojun, Xiang Wei. Shallow Landslides Survey and Rainfall Induction Mechanism Study in Xiang Xi River Basin of  Three Gorges Reservoir. EGU, 2008,Vienna. (ISTP)

(19)W. Xiang, D.S. Cui,W. F. Zhang and L. J. Cao:Experimental Study on Ionic Soil Stabilizer Reducing Adsorbed Water of Clay. The First International Conference on the Geological Engineering 2007 Wuhan, 2008,Springer,New York. (EI, ISTP)